Saturday, March 12, 2011

MORT!: The Story Part 3

I like the idea of a dynamic duo. Always have. Always will. That’s why I decided Mort would have himself a sidekick. He’ll flip through one or two before finding just the right young ward. One such failed sidekick is “Captain Obvious” whose only real power is his “Super grasp for the extremely obvious”. He’ll constantly be pointing out the obvious to Mort, and Mort will always reply with “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
Of course, it won’t work out with Captain Obvious, and Mort will have to let him go and find a better sidekick. Chuck’s the duck’s name, and he doesn’t have the best of luck (“Chuck the Bad-Luck Duck”), but he’s got a super-powerful super brain, and so that makes Mort see past Chuck’s hard luck as the asset he really is.

And that's it for the MORT! story. Pop back in next week, n maybe I'll have started up a weekly 3-panel comic for you guys. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

MORT!: The Story Part 2

As is the norm for comics, every superhero must have a supervillain (or twenty) to counter him, and MORT! is no exception. One day, Mort receives a letter from Dr. Gregory Mason (an old family friend) inviting him to witness the Doc's maiden voyage through his life's work--a pair of teleportation gates. As the Doc fires up the gates, his cat, mittens, begins chasing after Mort, eventually cornering him with nothing between them but the charging gates. Then, the cat pounces, the Doc jumps after it, and everything goes to white as Mort narrowly escapes the explosion brought on by the malfunctioning gates. Out from the rubble crawls Dr. Cat-astrophe, an "unholy fusion of man and cat".
Dr. C.'s got Dr. Mason's brains, body, and feet, and his cat's head, forepawas, and personality, which includes a hatred for rats, fish, and dogs, and a desire to make the people of the world worships cats as the Egyptians did.
Part 3 is comin' at'cha next week, so keep it tuned to MORT!... and other comics.