Thursday, February 24, 2011

MORT!: The Story Part 1

Today, I thought I'd fill you guys in on the basic premise of MORT! The story is so awesome, I'm gonna take up three whole posts to tell it all to you guys. *tee-hee*

Mort, at first, has a mundane life (crappy apartment, trouble making rent, works at a convenience store, has a weird hobby (collecting dryer lint) etc.) His doting sister, Rachel, is constantly calling him to check up on him. The (as of yet unnamed) city in which he and she live (on opposite sides, of course) is horribly crime-infested and needs more than its already-overworked police force to bring it around.
One day, as Mort is walking to work at the Gas-N-Go, a red superhero mask falls out of the sky and lands on his face, imbuing his body with superhuman strength and invulnerability (Gary-Sue? Maybe.). Not questioning the origin of this mask (a couple of aliens who had planned on using it for world conquest but accidentally drop it out the window of their U.F.O.), Mort sets off to fight crime in his city.
Stay tuned for Part 2.

EDIT: Gee... The last time I said so much about one of my AWESOME ideas, it got stoled. I won't let it happen this time! I hereby claim MORT! comics and all related characters, logos, storylines, etc. as (C) me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MORT! 25 Essential Expressions

Hey, everyone! Let's start this blog off proper with MORT! in the 25 Essential Expressions Challenge (which can be found here

And maybe a little intro...
My name's Andrew McClain, and I first came up with MORT! during my junior year in high school. I'm a freshman in college now, and have finally taken the initiative to make something worthwhile out of MORT! I'm working on writing my own INDEPENDANT comic book series starring him, and I hope it will one day rise to the same level as maybe Marvel or DC... or even Archie.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll work on starting up a weekly comic strip with this blog. I dunno. :)